Into the Wild!

Averee Burman
3 min readAug 24, 2020


Recent events, have opened my eyes, to the sacrosanctity of the core. Or the origin point. The footprint of where we come from and what has been the social conditioning, construe the mental make-up and the blueprint of being. To control or hope to change that, is a fallacy as well as crime!

Let me narrate the event in sequence and then take you through my thought-bubbles.

Last month, my friends and I had rescued a pup, from the populated streets of Indiranagar — where no-one had the time to “stand and stare” : much less care, for a one eyed injured and a hungry puppy.

The infected eye, that had the power to melt any heart of stone, had beckoned to the foolish hearts of the 3 powerless girls. Helplessly, the girls watched the dog, hide the infected eye, with his front paws — yet saunter about in the inherent swagger of any desi boy, on the high street.

The hearts melted and in popped the dog, into the auto — to be rescued and pampered. It only turned out to be a harrowing experience, for one of the Florence Night-Angels, as she slowly realized, that once a streetie : always a streetie.

Post treatment, the much beloved dog, was let go in the streets again — his happiness, apparently lay the under the polluted skies, mulling over the uncertainty of the next meal and chasing the street car named desire.

What this incident, clearly and glaringly pointed out were -

1) One should hope to tame the wild(heart).

2) One should not try to impose one’s way of life on another.

3) One should not expect to control another, in order to live the same life.

4) Time and Space, are the stalwarts, that cannot be compromised on — for anyone!

If I extrapolate, the lessons learnt, from this incident onto real life — what I further could understand was that even in daily human relationships — these realizations are the cornerstones that form the bedrock.

Many a times, relationships break — as the partner expects the sun, sky, sun, earth and the many moons from the other. The pressure of performance is never benign — its always an undercurrent that can turn into a hotwire, very soon. To control, therefore, is to catastrophize the beauty and signal the end.

The idea is to ‘Be and let it be!’ — freedom should be marked in fluidity and within it, the world of one emerges. To live one life and share one roof — the many lives and selves of each other, needs acceptance.

The wildheart will always answer the call of the wild. But this wildheart can deeply and strongly love too and be loyal too — if only, it gets its own freedom.

This is also synchronous to one’s identity in the relationship. Many a times, we may lose our own sense of self or worth — while conforming to the dominant one. What transpires is that, the bond, loses its magic — headed for a crash and a burn situation.

The faithful, then find a reason to lose faith and heart — some, never ever to regain it back to begin again!

There is no recipe for the most beautiful relationship that ticks all the boxes. What we may take away, is the willingness to accept each other — and to never to impose ‘lockdowns’ on the individual lives of other one in the relationship.

Oggie, with Betty and Veronica. He got his bitches to meet us!
Happy Oggie — back home. Home is a place, where the heart truly is! Home is not a 4 walled concept.



Averee Burman
Averee Burman

Written by Averee Burman

Word-Painter | Shallow-Thinker | Dog-ma | Utopian-Dystopian | Day-dreamer | Closet-singer | Coffee-crazy | Whisky-girl | Gin-jiver |Wine-whiner | Chocolate-chor

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